About PAI

We’re an R&D project to help foundations reach influential Americans.

The Philanthropy Awareness Initiative is a short term R&D project that works with foundations and philanthropy associations to improve communications and outreach to influential Americans. We aim to accomplish this purpose primarily by tracking how influential leaders see foundations and identifying, developing and sharing ways foundations can communicate about their unique role, work and impact in American society.

Better connecting with leaders in government, business, nonprofit and media for greater mutual understanding and impact is a critical opportunity for U.S. philanthropy today. It will help the foundation sector build necessary political support, take promising programs to scale, invite new ideas, and encourage more philanthropy.

Mark Sedway

Chris DeCardy, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Daniel Silverman, The James Irvine Foundation
Darin McKeever, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
David Morse, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Eric Brown, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

Anne Green, The Giving Practice, Philanthropy Northwest
Bruce Trachtenberg, Communications Network
Chris Cook, Metrocom International
Lisa Dropkin and Pam Loeb, Edge Research
Marcia Sharp, Millennium Communications Group
Michele Salomon and Allison Dickin, Harris Interactive
Rich Neimand and Dave Clayton, Neimand Collaborative
Theodora Lurie, consultant
Vicki Rosenberg, Council of Michigan Foundations

Communications Network
Conference of Southwest Foundations
Connecticut Council for Philanthropy
Council of Michigan Foundations
Council on Foundations
Florida Philanthropic Network
Indiana Grantmakers Alliance
Maine Philanthropy Center
Northern California Grantmakers
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
San Diego Grantmakers
Southern California Grantmakers

Karen Gibson, Design
Courtney Spalding-Mayer, Content
Mark Royko+Associates, Programming
Susan Parker, Clear Thinking Communications, Editorial Support